Vita-Min Vita-Miner Plus Mama

dietary supplement, 30 caps/1 pack

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Read more about Vita-Min Vita-Miner Plus Mama

Vita-min plus® Mama is an innovative, comprehensive composition of vitamins and highly digestible minerals in the form of chelates - supplementing the increased demand for micronutrients during pregnancy and lactation. The formula was additionally enriched with multifruit cranberry extract (Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait.) And folic acid, which contributes to the proper growth of the mother's tissues, in an increased dose - recommended for women planning pregnancy, during pregnancy and lactation. Scientific research has proven that: Vitamin A - helps maintain healthy skin, proper vision and proper functioning of the immune system. In addition, it contributes to the maintenance of adequate iron metabolism in the body. Vitamin D - helps maintain healthy bones and teeth because it is involved in maintaining the proper level of calcium in the blood. Vitamin D also promotes the proper functioning of muscles and the immune system. Vitamin E - helps protect cells against oxidative stress, i.e. an excessive amount of free radicals. Vitamin C - helps in the proper functioning of the immune and nervous systems and protects cells against oxidative stress. In addition, it supports the production of collagen, thanks to which it ensures the proper functioning of cartilage, skin, teeth and gums. Vitamin B1 - contributes to the proper functioning of the nervous system, energy metabolism, heart and psychological functions. Vitamin B2 - contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue, maintaining a healthy skin, as well as the proper functioning of the nervous system and mucous membranes. Similar to vitamin A, it supports the proper metabolism of iron and supports proper vision. Niacin - contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue, maintaining healthy skin, as well as the proper functioning of the nervous system and mucous membranes. Vitamin B6 - has many important functions in the body, including: it is responsible for maintaining the proper metabolism of protein, glycogen, homocysteine, helps in the production of red blood cells and the proper functioning of the nervous system. Vitamin B6 is one of the B vitamins that contributes to the regulation of hormonal activity. Folic acid - present in the recommended dose, contributes to the proper growth of the mother's tissues. Vitamin B12 - is helpful in the proper production of red blood cells, maintaining proper energy metabolism and the proper functioning of the nervous system. It contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue. Biotin - helps to maintain healthy hair, proper condition of the mucous membranes and healthy skin. Pantothenic acid - contributes to the proper synthesis and metabolism of steroid hormones, vitamin D and some neurotransmitters, helps to maintain mental abilities at the correct level. Calcium - It is needed to maintain healthy bones and teeth. In addition, it supports the proper functioning of muscles, nervous transmission and digestive enzymes. Magnesium - reduces fatigue and weariness and helps maintain the proper functions of the nervous system. It also helps, among others in proper protein synthesis, maintaining healthy bones and teeth. Iron - is responsible for the proper transport of oxygen in the body, helps in the production of red blood cells and hemoglobin, and maintains the proper functions of the immune system. Zinc - has many important functions, including: it helps maintain healthy bones, hair, nails, skin, is involved in the proper functioning of the immune system, proper protein and DNA synthesis. It contributes to the maintenance of the proper functions of the reproductive system, which is important for women trying to conceive. Manganese - helps in the formation of connective tissues, protects against the attack of free radicals, its correct concentration contributes to the maintenance of healthy bones. Copper - helps in the proper transport of iron in the body, it is important in maintaining proper pigmentation of hair and skin. Iodine - supports the proper production of thyroid hormones and its proper functioning. Additionally, it contributes to the maintenance of proper cognitive functions. ATTENTION! For the safety of mother and child, the minerals of Vita-min plus® Mama are in the form of the highest quality, highly absorbable Albion® amino acid chelates, including chelated iron - FERROCHEL® - with the highest bioavailability and tolerance confirmed in many years of scientific research.
ID: 390832
Unit price: 0,15 € /1g


Informacja żywieniowa - 1 kapsułka Witamina A - 180 µg (22,5%*) Witamina D - 5 µg (100%*) Witamina E - 12 mg (100%*) Witamina C -80 mg (100%*) Witamina B1 - 1,1 mg (100%*) Witamina B2 - 1,4 mg (100%*) Niacyna - 16 mg (100%*) Witamina B6 - 1,4 mg (100%*) Kwas foliowy - 400 µg (200%*) Witamina B12 - 2,5 µg (100%*) Biotyna - 50 µg (100%*) Kwas pantotenowy - 6 mg (100%*) Minerały: - Wapń / chelat ALBION® TRAACS® - 100 mg (12,5%*) Magnez / chelat ALBION® TRAACS® - 50 mg (13%*) Żelazo / chelat ALBION® TRAACS® (Ferrochel®)- 14 mg (100%*) Cynk / chelat ALBION® TRAACS® - 10 mg (100%*) Mangan / chelat ALBION® TRAACS® - 1 mg (50%*) Miedź z chelatu ALBION® TRAACS® - 1000 µg (100%*) Jod - 200 µg (133%*) Ekstrakt z owoców żurawiny wielkoowocowej (Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait.) w tym 10% proantocyjanidyn - 10 mg * RWS - referencyjna wartość spożycia. Składniki Składniki: składniki mineralne (diglicynian wapnia (chelat aminokasowy wapnia Albion®, AlbicalTM), diglicynian magnezu (chelat aminokwasowy magnezu Albion®), diglicynian żelaza (chelat aminokwasowy żelaza Ferrochel®), diglicynian cynku (chelat aminokwasowy cynku Albion®), diglicynian miedzi (chelat aminokwasowy miedzi Albion®), diglicynian manganu (chelat aminokwasowy manganu Albion®), jodek potasu, witaminy – kwas L-askorbinowy – wit.C, octan dl-α-tokoferylu – wit.E, amid kwasu nikotynowego – niacyna, beta karoten – wit.A, D-pantotenian wapnia – kwas pantotenowy, D-biotyna, cyjanokobalamina – wit.B12, cholekalcyferol – wit.D, kwas pteroilomonoglutaminowy – foliany, chlorowodorek pirydoksyny – wit.B6, ryboflawina – wit.B2, monoazotan tiaminy – wit.B1, tlenek magnezu, stearynian magnezu – substancje przeciwzbrylające, ekstrakt z owoców żurawiny wieloowocowej (Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait.), celuloza mikrokrystaliczna – substancja wypełniająca, kapsułka (żelatyna – składnik otoczki, barwnik: E 171).

Additional information

Top ingredients: Vitamin C
Storage: In a refrigerator, Out of the reach of children, In original packaging, In room temperature
Product form: capsules
Registration Type: diet supplement