Perfect skin Perfect skin

dietary supplement, 30 caps/1 pack

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Perfect skin hydro-complex® is a composition of active ingredients in two formulas: Hydro-flex skin complex and Antioxidant perfect skin formula Skin - is the most extensive organ of our body. This is our first line of defense against viruses, bacteria and harmful radiation. It is not only an insulating layer that regulates the temperature of our body, but also an important sense organ and a place where vitamin D is produced. The skin is composed of two basic layers - the epidermis and the dermis. Factors such as ultraviolet radiation, environmental pollution and a poor diet favor the formation of free radicals in the skin, which cause unfavorable changes - they destroy collagen particles, the skin becomes less moisturized and slack, wrinkles appear. That is why our food is so important, especially the ingredients it contains, which in the right amounts support the proper functioning of the skin. Perfect skin hydro-complex® contains substances in two scientifically developed formulas: Hydro-flex skin complex: Collagen is a source of peptides, free amino acids, which are fundamental components of connective tissue, as well as skin, nails and hair. the extracellular matrix of the dermis with water-binding properties. The silica contained in the preparation dissolves in the extracellular matrix of the dermis and binds additional amounts of water in it. Biotin helps to maintain healthy skin and participates in maintaining the proper condition of the mucous membranes. Antioxidant perfect skin formula: Highly concentrated grape seed extract containing a large amount of proanthocyanidins (OPC) and green tea extract with a high content of catechins (EGCG) are a pair of plant antioxidants that neutralize free radicals formed in the skin. PureWay-C® - a patented complex of vitamin C and citrus bioflavonoids. Vitamin C helps in the proper production of collagen to ensure the proper functioning of the skin and helps protect cells against oxidative stress. Vitamin E helps protect cells against oxidative stress. Zinc, copper and manganese, contained in the preparation in the form of highly absorbable amino acid chelates, as well as selenium help protect cells against oxidative stress. Zinc also takes part in the process of cell division and helps maintain healthy skin. Manganese helps in the proper formation of connective tissues. Copper helps maintain proper skin pigmentation. Carotenoid pigments - beta carotene and lycopene, are natural pigments found in plants and animals. Moreover, beta carotene, after conversion to vitamin A, plays an important role in the process of cell specialization.
ID: 245519


Informacja żywieniowa 1 kapsułka Hydro-flex skin complex: Kolagen 300 mg Kwas hialuronowy 25 mg Krzemionka 10 mg Biotyna 25 μg (50%*) Antioxidant perfect skin formula: Ekstrakt z pestek winogron 50 mg w tym: 95% proantocyjanidyn 47,5 mg Ekstrakt zielonej herbaty 50 mg w tym: 98% polifenoli, 80% katechin, 55% EGCG Opatentowany kompleks witaminy C i bioflawonoidów cytrusowych PureWay-C® 44,5 mg w tym: Witamina C 40 mg (50%*) Witamina E 6 mg (50%*) Cynk 7,5 mg (75%*) Miedź 500 μg (50%*) Mangan 1 mg (50%*) Selen 27,5 μg (50%*) Cystyna 10 mg Beta-karoten 1 mg Likopen 1 mg *RWS - referencyjna wartość spożycia. Składniki: kolagen (hydrolizat żelatyny), ekstrakt zielonej herbaty, ekstrakt z pestek winogron, składniki mineralne: diglicynian cynku (chelat aminokwasowy cynku Albion®), diglicynian manganu (chelat aminokwasowy manganu Albion®), diglicynian miedzi (chelat aminokwasowy miedzi Albion®), selenian (IV) sodu), witaminy (kwas L-askorbinowy – wit.C PureWay-C®, octan DL-α-tokoferylu – wit.E, D-biotyna), hialuronian sodu, krzemionka koloidalna, beta-karoten, likopen, cystyna, bioflawonoidy cytrusowe, celuloza mikrokrystaliczna - substancja wypełniająca, stearynian magnezu - substancja przeciwzbrylająca, kapsułka (żelatyna – składnik otoczki, barwnik: E 171)

Additional information

Top ingredients: Vitamin C
Weight: 1 pack
Storage: Protect against moisture, Out of the reach of children, In original packaging, In room temperature
Product form: capsules
Registration Type: diet supplement